segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013

Bein Vindos ao Nosso site 

Esse site conte a apressentação de fazer transformices piratas

De Editar sources  de tudo sobre fazer mice sourcers swf e muito mais

se voçe não emtendeu fale com o dono : And ou com alguem da equipe do xat

a equipe do xat é a equipe do site ...


quer postar algo em nosso site...

fale com : And 

Criando Mice 1.10

Bom e muito facil

1- Voce Extrai Instala Os Programa Dps Abre O Vertrigo  coloca os programas da client no www folder

2- Edite A Pasta   CroosDomain e Transformice.xml  colocando ser ip que tem no hamachi éo mesmo 

3-salve e feche

4- vai em mice server v3 clika em com o butao esquerdo do mouse vai em edit on idle  algo asim 

5- aperte ctrl+f procure por host vai ter um ip la troque pelo ip do  do hamachi salve e
se apareçer mice server v3 online------------ [servidor online]----------- 

va no seu navegador e coloque o ip do hamachi pronto se divirtasse se não 

repita todos os passos novamente


mice server v3:
postado por: and

Em Breve teremos mais postagens de acordo com vcs e com a equipe...

Transformice normal atualização

quem não ve não sabe agora vai saber

New communities – Version 1.59

Two brand new communities! Please welcome our dear fellow German friends to the Transformice family! But that’s not all!
We’ve also heard your complaints about EN being the international community. We’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, and we have been trying to find a solution. English is the international language all over the world, so it was impossible not to make the EN server the international one. That’s why we’ve decided to create a brand-new EN community called EN2.
EN1 will remain the international community with no filters, where everyone is still welcome. However, EN2 will become the official English community with language filters!
International (EN1)English (EN2)German (DE)
Congratulations Caitybumz and Modnut, our two brand-new DE mods.


Happy new year!
2012 is ending in few hours (France time) and it’s been a really awesome year for Transformice! That’s why we’ve decided to not do a huge wall of text to thank you this year. Instead, we’d prefer to show what Transformice has become thanks to all of you!
Click on the picture below to discover some of Transformice’s statistics.
Happy new year mice and thank you so much!


New Standalone!
New Standalone!
As we’ve told you few days ago, Tigrounette added the multi-threading feature in Transformice. Unfortunately, it didn’t work with the old Standalone and we had to create a brand-new one.
To kill two birds with one stone, Tigrounette coded it with Adobe : that will allow him to add more features in the future and Linux has now its own Standalone! To test the possibilities, we’ve added a new feature today : You can now open pop-up to discuss with your friends and your tribemates!!
Type /tc to open a pop-up to talk with your tribemates and use /c* to start a conversation with one of your friend!
You can download this brand-new Standalone here:
And you can download Adobe Air here :
Tigrounette will work on the Mac and on the Linux version tomorrow.
Feel free to share your thoughts about this new standalone! We can’t wait to hear what you think about it!


You’re probably wondering what the title means.
To sum up, it’s a new feature in Adobe Flash Player that will split a big calculation in small different pieces to speed up a game.
This means that the annoying lag will be much less common and the game will be more fluid and enjoyable !
To enjoy this new feature, please update your Flash Player. You can do it via the link below:
You can check out your current Adobe Flash version here:


Vote for Transformice on “Indie Games of the Year”!
Indie of the Year is one of the biggest event on the World Wide Web celebrating the best indie games of the year. Minecraft, Terraria and many other indie games have already been honored in previous years.
After 12 days of voting, we’re glad to announce you that Transformice is in the top 100 Indie Games of 2012! Games like Natural Selection 2, Hotline Miami and Minecraft are also in competition and so we need you more than ever to win this year “Best Indie Game of the Year” award. You can start to VOTE right now by clicking this link..


Christmas Event – Tutorial
Woohoo, it’s already Christmas on Transformice! If you have troubles to understand how the event works, we’ve written this tutorial for you! If you don’t want to be spoiled about the event, please don’t read the spoilers.
¡Iujuuu, ya llego Navidad en Transformice! ¡Si aun no entiendes como funciona el evento, escribimos un tutorial para ti! ¡Si quieres descubrir por ti mismo el evento, no leas esto!

Esses Transformices são todos mais importantes olhem por que


mices piratas


Por que eu coloquei   important em alguns


1=Transformj 4 mice a ser criado 
2=Mice mania depois de 7 Transformice piratas ele foi criado
3=Crazzymice Criado por patrao 2"mice a ser criado e foi criado pelo criado de mice pirata o dono de varias sourcer crazzy mice tipo mice org
4= room 32 Important de mais semdo o 1" mice a ser criado e pelo dono das sources Patrao e ele é igual ao Transformice org  

5=Mito mice= important por ser dificil de derrubar e ter uma sourcer muito boa e foi criado 12" ou seja dessimo segundo a ser criado 


IGUAL AO MITO MICE: Transformine Tanbem .... 



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